THE SICKLE CELL T3 EXPO Treatments, Therapies, and Technologies Exhibition Saturday, July 20, 12 - 4 PM EST
The 2024 Convention will round everything out with an open Saturday afternoon EXPO featuring sickle cell treatments, therapies, and technologies. The Sickle Cell Treatments and Technologies Expo is a dynamic event showcasing the latest advancements in the treatment and management of sickle cell disease. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore innovative therapies, cutting-edge medical devices, and new technologies that aim to improve the quality of life for those living with sickle cell disease.
The EXPO will feature exhibits from leading healthcare companies, demonstrations from alternative care treatments, and other technologies designed for the care and treatment of sickle cell disease. Join us to discover how these advancements can make a significant impact on patient outcomes.
A ticket to the EXPO is included as part of Registration at the 11th Annual Sickle Cell Warrior Convention. You DO NOT need to purchase a ticket to the EXPO if you are registered for the Convention. If you are NOT attending the Convention, but would like to check the EXPO out, tickets can be purchased HERE.
There is no cost to host a table at the EXPO. If you have a technology, treatment, or therapy to share with this sickle cell community, you may sign-up to host a booth free of charge. To sign-up to host a booth visit HERE. The T3 EXPO was designed to level the playing field by removing the paywall between patients and therapies.
Participants are NOT permitted to recruit for an active trial. The sale of pharmaceutical products, food, alcohol, tobacco, firearms, or any illegal products is strictly forbidden.